Saturday, March 1, 2008

If you can't stand the hit ...

It has been a while that even I noticed it - "stuff" accumulating inside me not able to come out but sometimes writing it makes it better, even if just a tiny lil' bit.

When I started this blog I had a few things in mind: make it as intimate as possible (without being too revealing of course, no names ... :-), stick with positive vibes or observations of what is happening around me and keep it as close from the outside world as possible.

Well, I think I managed the first two well but the last one surprised me today...
I've been spotted !
I had the first comment on my blog.
Well, not that I am totally surprised, I did divulge my whereabouts to a few good friends but nonetheless, I started questioning my whole endeavor and truthfully, started becoming a bit self conscious ... but then again, the fears disappeared, I have to stick with my original plan and continue my online diary as planned, from the inside out and not the other way around.

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