Sunday, June 29, 2008

In search of the "God particle"

It sounds ambitious but Man's search for the ultimate answer, for the "simplest" particle is anything but simple.

The stage is being set for an experiment this summer at the CERN laboratory. 
The 17 mile subterranean ring in the French-Swiss border houses the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The goal - provoke particle collision at nearly the speed of light in
hope that matter will be transformed and God will show it's "face" if only for a infinitesimal small amount of time and be recorded (the so called "God particle) is  Higgs boson and is believed to give mass to matter).

The fear (by some outsiders) - that a black hole will be created that will swallow the Earth.

The cost - $5-10 billion and counting (or not).

Here is an interesting detail of what might possibly happen.

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