With so many people now saying the same thing, will we have a shift in consciousness by the mere fact that so many are now "in tune" with this view of reality ? Or are we talking about the same things that Buddha, Jesus and so many other spoke of ions ago ?

1- Healing the Luminous Body - Medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo describes the energy body as was thought to him by the Inka Shamans of the Andes. Great images by Alex Grey complement this documentary and allows us to visuallize the path to spiritual and physical healing.
2- Other Worlds - Trully fascinating account of director Jan Kounen's initiation into the Peruvian Shipibo Shamanic world. Not much different from Castaneda's account or even Shah's description of his own journey but the visual effects and interviews with many scientists give it an all around perspective.

3- The Voice of Knowledge - Don Miguel Ruiz shares the wisdom of the Toltec naguals. He really lays it all out about "our stories", familiar territory for all the forum alumni.
4- Living Luminaries - A slew of masters talk about the power of now, living in the moment, creating your own reality, meditation ... you name it. A great feast and treat to find so many of the masters in one place and drink of their nectar. I feel like a bee ... be ... being ... becoming !
5- Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World into Being - Currently reading Villoldo's latest which I am tackling slowly.
5- Waking Life - What is real and what is unreal ? This movie takes you on a brainy w

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