"Australia issues an apology to Aborigines for injustice". While Rudd apologizes "for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture" he rules out compensation.

I felt myself tearing up, feeling a knot in my throat.

I couldn't stop thinking about the many more cultures and generations which suffered a similar plight of massacre and separation of children from parents.
I recalled a movie I saw a few years ago: "Rabbit Proof Fence" and last year's "The Tracker" (I did go through my Gulpilil phase watching his movies including his first "Walkabout").
How can we prevent actions that will make us have to later apologize for ?
Are we going to apologize to the Africans, American Indians, Iraquis, Vietnamese, Nepalese ... Mother Earth ... the list goes on and on but, will there be anyone to apologize to ?
Peace !
Helo Sara. Fixi? Espero que sim. Vi-te a sondar o SondiVirason e registei o teu blog para torcarmos elous. Por cá bem. Estás longe de mais. Passa bem. Fica com um baijo.
Oi Kaka,
Longi di distancia, pertu na cyberspace.
Nho teni nhaku "blogi", di meu e xuxadera.
Un mesti ranja um dicionario di kriolu pamodi nhu teni uns palavras ki djan squeci (ou nunca un ka konchi)
Obrigada fofa. Nton nu sta pertu mé. Ku sabi palavra nu ten ki ba ta kria-l pa kuza bira más sábi, N gosta di leu. Fika dretu. 1abrç.Kb
Oi KB,
Un gosta tcheu di bu blog e un ta spretal (futucal ?) tudo dia.
Un ta spera ma nha comentario ka ofendi. Mi ke futukera, ka bo :-)
Ma quando bu atcha di meu, dan blogophobia ...
Otu assunto, kes bebe tudo na blog e pamodi nho sta ba ser vovo ?? Parabens
Ate breve
Oi Sara
Tks pa msg. Sim. N interpreta ma N ka devia poi bu nómi la, pamódi algun problema si... Ok djan intendi. Ka faze nada, alen fixi ku bó. Mariadu má djan lé bu fisherman. Engraçado.
Obrigada pa bus comentários encoradores. Fika dretu. I bjão.KKBB
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