Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have been dreaming a lot lately.
I barely remember it when I wake up but I have the feeling of just being out of a tumoltuous car ride.

Last night that was certainly the case. My dream /nightmare, whatever I can remember of it was about a car wreck.
I was trying to run from something on the road, had to put the car on reverse and it just sped out of control. I tried to break, swerve, look behind me but to no avail, the car picked up even more speed and ran into oncoming traffic on a highway (felt more like a race car track). I lost consciousness and the rest I can't remember much, besides there being a piece of metal stuck inside me that I pulled out and a lot of fluid came gushing out (not blood, more like pee, so rationalized my sleepy mind), I think it was at that point that I was awaken by my daughter screaming my name.

It was 4 am.

A few days ago I could not even sleep., let alone dream.
The thoughts that had been ocupying my mind during the past few days - root / ancestry searching - followed me to bed and before I knew it, my exhaustion turned into a cacophony of voices that I could not silence.

Had my search for the ancestors turned into a summoning of them all that particular night ?

What is the point of this search anyway ?

What I am to do with the findings ?

Am I seeking guidance from these ghosts ? If so, maybe I should spend more time trying to figure out how to decipher their messages because maybe they are already here, talking to me in my dreams ...

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