Werner Herzog (the "duke") is portraid in the documentary about his grandiose movie "Fitzcarraldo" in "Burden of Dreams" and as much as I was mesmerized when I first saw "Fitzcarraldo", I was much more so after seing how he managed to accomplish such a seemingly impossible dream.
It is hard to discern the main character in the movie - Fitzgerald (played by Kinsky) in "Fitzcarraldo" from Herzog in "Burden of Dreams", they morph into one entity looking to pursue their dreams at any cost.
The man is a Genius, I mean Mad, I mean Genius ... Mad.
The fruit of his labor which he paid with blood and sweat (literally) is for us to enjoy, delight in, be in awe of.
It is hard to discern the main character in the movie - Fitzgerald (played by Kinsky) in "Fitzcarraldo" from Herzog in "Burden of Dreams", they morph into one entity looking to pursue their dreams at any cost.
I am inspired !